The Sensex is now down 228 points at 13,633.Satyam, Tata Motors, Maruti and TCS have tumbled around 3% each to Rs 487, Rs 904, Rs 908 and Rs 1,226, respectively.Infosys and Hindalco have shed 2.5% each to Rs 2,220 and Rs 167, respectively.HLL, Wipro, Reliance Communciations and Bharti Airtel are down over 2% each to Rs 208, Rs 586, Rs 438 and Rs 624, respectively.Bajaj Auto, ACC, HDFC, BHEL, Larsen & Toubro, Ranbaxy, Reliance, HDFC Bank and ITC are the other major losers.ONGC has flared up 2.5% to Rs 918.The market breadth is positive - out of 2,339 stocks traded so far, 1,339 have moved up, 949 have slipped and the rest are unchanged.