The Sensex has rebounded into the positive zone and is now up 43 points at 14,291.ACC has soared 2.7% to Rs 980. Satyam, Grasim and Ambuja Cements have surged around 2% each to Rs 427, Rs 2,780 and Rs 133, respectively.HDFC has advanced 1.8% to Rs 1,935, and ITC has added 1.5% to Rs 161.Hindustan Unilever, Larsen & Toubro and Mahindra & Mahindra are up over 1% each.Cipla has plunged 4% to Rs 169. SBI has shed 2.5% to Rs 1,422.ONGC, Tata Steel and ICICI Bank have dropped 2% each to Rs 792, Rs 558 and Rs 830, respectively.HDFC Bank and Reliance Energy have slipped 1.5% each to Rs 1,101 and Rs 714, respectively. NTPC is down 1% at Rs 159.The market breadth has turned negative - out of 2,598 stocks traded so far, 1,516 have declined, 1,022 have advanced and 60 are unchanged.