The Sensex has recovered most of its losses and is now down 30 points at 14,850.Reliance Energy has tumbled 3% to Rs 593. Ranbaxy, NTPC, HDFC and Satyam have slipped around 1.5% each to Rs 362, Rs 153, Rs 1,950 and Rs 465, respectively.Reliance Communications, ITC, HDFC Bank, SBI and Reliance are down over 1% each to Rs 535, Rs 156, Rs 1,136, Rs 1547 and Rs 1,697, respectively.Larsen & Toubro has surged 2% to Rs 2,337. Tata Motors and Maruti have rallied 1.5% each to Rs 708 and Rs 803, respectively.Tata Steel, ICICI Bank, Dr.Reddy's and Hindustan Unilever are up over 1% each at Rs 624, Rs 996, Rs 671 and Rs 200, respectively.Out of 2,582 stocks traded so far, 1,667 have declined, 853 have advanced and 62 are unchanged.