The Sensex has recovered smartly from the day's low of 15,160, and is now down seven points at 15,283.Larsen & Toubro has plunged over 3% to Rs 2,318. Reliance Energy has shed 2.4% to Rs 682.ONGC has dropped nearly 2% to Rs 891. Satyam, Dr.Reddy's and Tata Motors have slipped around 1.5% each to Rs 481, Rs 664 and Rs 738, respectively.Maruti and ITC are down over 1% each to Rs 818 and Rs 154, respectively.Bajaj Auto has rallied 2.4% to Rs 2,272. Mahindra & Mahindra has spurted over 1% to Rs 809.Out of 2,674 stocks traded so far, 1,604 have declined, 1,009 have advanced and 61 are unchanged.