The Sensex has recovered almost all its losses and is now down just eight points at 10,079.HLL has surged 4.3% to Rs 234. Bajaj Auto and NTPC have gained 4% each to Rs 2,395 and Rs 123, respectively.ITC has rallied over 3% to Rs 169. Ranbaxy has moved up 1.6% to Rs 444.HDFC has declined 2.6% to Rs 1,333. Reliance and Larsen & Toubro, too, have slipped over 2% each to Rs 698 and Rs 2,349, respectively.Infosys, Reliance Energy, ONGC, Gujarat Ambuja, Maruti and Tata Power are down 1-2% each.The marked breadth continues to remain negative - out of 2,526 stocks traded so far, 1,437 have slipped, 1,013 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.