The Sensex has recovered from the day's low of 13,897, and is now down three points at 13,939.Bajaj Auto has rallied 2.6% to Rs 2,810. Ranbaxy has surged 2.3% to Rs 793.Hero Honda, Reliance Energy and Tata Motors are up around 1% each at Rs 793, Rs 528 and Rs 938, respectively.ACC, HDFC and HLL have slipped 1.5% each to Rs 1,076, Rs 1,597 and Rs 213, respectively.ONGC has dropped 1.3% to Rs 865. Tata Steel, HDFC Bank, Reliance Communications and ITC are down around 1% each.Out of 2,437 stocks traded so far 1,376 have advanced, 1,006 have declined and the rest are unchanged.