The Sensex has recovered partially from the day's low of 14,107, and is now down 135 points at 14,223.Satyam, Bharti Airtel and HDFC Bank have tumbled over 3% each to Rs 452, Rs 775 and Rs 1,060, respectively.Tata Steel and BHEL have shed 2.7% each to Rs 559 and Rs 1,561, respectively.Larsen & Toubro has slipped over 2% to Rs 2,269. Maruti has dropped 1.7% to Rs 778, and ICICI Bank has declined 1.5% to Rs 820.Infosys, ONGC, Wipro, Mahindra & Mahindra, SBI, HDFC, Reliance Communications and Reliance are down over 1% each.Reliance Energy has moved up over 1% to Rs 726.