The Sensex has recovered partially from the day's low of 17,322, but is still down 225 points at 17,548. ACC has plunged over 5% to Rs 1,116. Tata Steel has slumped 4.5% to Rs 796.Reliance Energy, NTPC, Ranbaxy and Dr.Reddy's have tumbled around 4% each to Rs 1,386, Rs 206, Rs 416 and Rs 628, respectively.SBI and Hindalco have dropped around 3.5% each to Rs 1,799 and Rs 163, respectively.Mahindra & Mahindra has slipped nearly 3% to Rs 730. ICICI Bank has declined 2.5% at Rs 1,011.ONGC, Grasim and Reliance are down over 2% each to Rs 944, Rs 3,465 and Rs 2,429, respectively.Satyam has advanced nearly 3% to Rs 457. TCS and Wipro have gained 1.3% each at Rs 1,084 and Rs 467, respectively.Out of 2,763 stocks traded so far, 2,310 have declined, 418 have advanced and 35 are unchanged.