The benchmark Sensex fell 253 points, or one per cent, to close at 24,551. The Nifty 50 fell 78 points, or one per cent, to close at 7,461.
Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) turned net sellers for the first time this month. Going by provisional figures, FIIs net sold shares worth Rs 54 crore. Domestic investors were net sellers at Rs 302 crore. FIIs have been net buyers in all the previous nine trading sessions of this month, having pumped in Rs 11,300 crore.
Bank of Japan's decision to not add to its record monetary stimulus comes after the European Central Bank (ECB) announced unprecedented stimulus last week. The announcement by the US central bank due on Wednesday would be a focus, said experts.
On Monday, data showed India's inflation eased more than estimated in February, boosting speculation that central bank head Raghuram Rajan would lower interest rates after the government stuck with a plan to narrow the fiscal deficit.
Rajan on Saturday said the central bank was "comforted" by prime minister Narendra Modi's plan to shrink the fiscal deficit to 3.5 per cent of GDP (gross domestic product) while telling reporters to "wait and see" how that feeds into monetary policy.
The central bank is set to review policy on April 5, as it looks to keep retail inflation within five per cent by March 2017.