Buying has spruced up in select heavyweight, banking, tech and other old economy stocks, thereby lifting the gains of the index from its range-bound levels. The Sensex has moved up 36 points to 6,618, while the Nifty is still steady at 2,067 - up 10 points.Reliance is still up a per cent (Rs 4) at Rs 552. While ITC, too, has gained a per cent (Rs 7) to Rs 1,290, HLL is marginally down at Rs 144.Infosys has shrugged off its range-bound trend and clocked a per cent gain (Rs 21) to Rs 2,163. While Satyam, too, has added a per cent gain (Rs 4) to Rs 399, Wipro is steady at Rs 683 - up Rs 4.SBI has advanced 2.22% (Rs 15) to Rs 692. HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank have inched up by a per cent each to Rs 564 (up Rs 4) and Rs 376 (up Rs 2), respectively.HPCL has added nearly 2% (Rs 7) to Rs 350, while has moved up a per cent (Rs 6) to Rs 820.BHEL has extended its gains by 3.42% (Rs 29) to Rs 866. L&T is still exhibiting weak trends and is dealt at Rs 1,071 - down Rs 18 or 1.62%. Zee has shed 2.30% (Rs 3) to Rs 149.Bajaj has slipped a per cent (Rs 7) to Rs 1,035. Other pharma majors are also largely trading at lower levels.