The Sensex is now down 174 points at 12,523. Gujarat Ambuja has slumped 7% to Rs 106, and ACC has plunged nearly 5% to Rs 813.Wipro has tumbled 5% to Rs 553. Tata Steel, Maruti and Ranbaxy have shed 3% each to Rs 407, Rs 766 and Rs 313, respectively.TCS and Bajaj Auto have slipped around 2.5% each to Rs 1,168 and Rs 2,415, respectively. Satyam and Infosys are down over 2% each to Rs 424 and Rs 2,072, respectively.Cipla has gained 1.5% at Rs 225, and Dr.Reddy's has added 1% to Rs 627.Out of 2,466 stocks traded so far, 1,862 have declined, 529 have advanced and 75 are unchanged.