The Sensex opened four points lower at 6,889 and lost further ground on sustained selling pressure in most of the sectors to touch an early low of 6,850. It is now down 40 points at 6,853. The Nifty, too, has slipped in early trades with a loss of 10 points at 2,151.ONGC has lost a per cent (Rs 6) to Rs 906. ITC and HLL have commenced lower at Rs 1,366 and Rs 144, respectively. Reliance, however, is up a tad at Rs 588.Infosys has dropped 1.33% (Rs 30) to Rs 2,221. While Satyam has lost 1.28% (Rs 5) to Rs 413, Wipro is down 1.15% (Rs 8) at Rs 706.HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank have slipped a per cent each to Rs 624 (down Rs 6) and Rs 387 (down Rs 3), respectively. SBI, too, is weak at Rs 718 - down Rs 3.Cipla has shed 2.37% (Rs 7) to Rs 288, while Ranbaxy has declined 1.12% (Rs 12) to Rs 1,080.Bharti has tumbled 2.29% (Rs 5) to Rs 224.