The Sensex has slipped deeper in red and is now down 102 points at 18,038.The NSE Nifty is down 36 points at 5,287.Satyam has plunged 3% to Rs 397. Bajaj Auto and ITC have dropped 2.5% each to Rs 2,280 and Rs 195, respectively.Cipla has shed 2% at Rs 198. Hindustan Unilever (HUL), Bharti Airtel and Hindalco have slipped 1.8% each to Rs 201, Rs 885 and Rs 170, respectively.Wipro and Reliance Communications have declined 1.5% each to Rs 419 and Rs 671, respectively.Ranbaxy and Maruti have dropped nearly 1.5% each to Rs 378 and Rs 819, respectively.Reliance, ONGC and Ambuja Cements are down over 1% each to Rs 2,522, Rs 1,015 and Rs 119, respectively.ACC has surged over 3% to Rs 789. Reliance Energy has gained 2.7% at Rs 2,113.Grasim is up over 1% at Rs 2,920.Out of 2,758 stocks traded so far, 1,906 have advanced, 793 have declined and 59 were unchanged today.