The Sensex has slipped into the negative zone and is now down eight points at 10,609.BHEL has surged 3.5% to Rs 1,924. HDFC has advanced 3% to Rs 1,168.ONGC and Maruti have rallied 2.5% each to Rs 1,167 and Rs 784, respectively.Dr.Reddy's and Grasim have moved up over 2% each to Rs 1,352 and Rs 2,070, respectively.Bharti Airtel, Larsen & Toubro and NTPC are up 1.5% each.Reliance Communications has slipped over 2% to Rs 252. SBI and Gujarat Ambuja have shed 1.7% each to Rs 741 and Rs 104, respectively.ITC and Tata Steel have dropped 1.3% each to Rs 166 and Rs 490, respectively.Infosys and Ranbaxy have declined nearly 1% each to Rs 1,631 and Rs 368, respectively.Out of 2,402 stocks traded so far, 1,322 have advanced, 990 have declined and the rest are unchanged.