After touching a new peak of 10,192 in the opening deals, the Sensex has taken a sharp U-turn. The index plunged to a low of 10,036 - down 156 points from the high.The index is now down 22 points at 10,065.Bajaj Auto is up 3.8% at Rs 2,388. NTPC and HLL are up 3% each at Rs 122 and Rs 231, respectively.ITC has moved up 1% to Rs 165.Larsen & Toubro and Infosys have dropped over 2% each to Rs 2,346 and Rs 2,763, respectively. ONGC has shed 1.8% to Rs 1,149, and HDFC has declined 1.6% to Rs 1,347.While Reliance has slipped 1.5% to Rs 703, Reliance Energy is down 1.3% at Rs 607.Maruti, Grasim, Hero Honda and ACC have declined over 1% each.The market breadth has turned negative. Out of 2,380 stocks traded so far, 1,377 have declined, 920 have advanced and 83 are unchanged.ENT Networks tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 154.89 crore followed by Reliance (Rs 62.67 crore), HLL (Rs 58.48 crore), Infosys (Rs 55.06 crore) and Titan (Rs 54.08 crore).ENT Network also leads the volume chart with trades of around 60.25 lakh shares followed by HLL (25.34 lakh), Bombay Rayon (18 lakh), McLeod Russel (17.39 lakh) and Amar Remedies (14.54 lakh).