After opening 14 points higher at 12,054, the Sensex zoomed to a new high of 12,102. However, a heavy round of profit-taking has fored the index tumble into the red to a low of 11,973 - down 67 points. Ranbaxy and Martui has zoomed 2% each to Rs 483 and Rs 898, respectively.HLL and HDFC Bank have advanced 1.3% each to Rs 280 and Rs 860, respectively.HDFC and Bharti Tele have gained over 1% each at Rs 1,290 and Rs 415, respectively.Hindalco has slumped 3.6% to Rs 208. Satyam has dropped 2.7% to Rs 848. Tata Steel has shed 2% to Rs 632.Reliance after touching a all-time intra-day high of Rs 1,000 in early trades has now slipped into the negative zone. The stock is now down over 1% at Rs 983.