The Sensex opened with a negative gap of 54 points at 12,164. The index soon tumbled to a low of 11,676.The index is now down 476 points at 11,742.Hindalco has plunged 8% to Rs 201. Tata Steel has tumbled over 5% to Rs 581.ACC, Gujarat Ambuja and Grasim have shed over 5% each to Rs 862, Rs 103 and Rs 2,060, respectively.Dr.Reddy's has plunged over 5% to Rs 1,560. Maruti and Reliance Energy are down over 4% each to Rs 871 and Rs 571, respectively.ONGC has dropped 4.5% to Rs 1,376. Reliance has shed 4% to Rs 1,044.There is not a single gainer among the Sensex stocks.Out of 2,144 stocks traded so far, 1,764 have declined, 354 have advanced and 26 are unchanged.