The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 302 points at 19,337 on the back of positive cues from the global markets. The index, thereafter, continued to move up and has now gained 685 points at 19,721.HDFC Bank has zoomed 10% to Rs 1,735. HDFC has soared 8.5% to Rs 2,808.Bharti Airtel has surged 5% to Rs 875. ICICI Bank and ONGC have gained 4.3% each at Rs 1,228 and Rs 1,233, respectively.BHEL, Reliance and Infosys have rallied nearly 4% each to Rs 2,886, Rs 2,801 and Rs 1,690, respectively.Tata Steel and Tata Motors have advanced 3.5% each to Rs 862 and Rs 717, respectively.Larsen & Toubro, Wipro, Hindalco and SBI are up around 3% each to Rs 4,512, Rs 455, Rs 209 and Rs 2,361, respectively.Out of 2,709 stocks traded so far, 2,038 have advanced, 609 have declined and 62 are unchanged.