The market is displaying a steady trend following selective buying support with, notably, Reliance attracting further buying interest. The Sensex is now up 26 points at 6,440. The Nifty is steady at 2,042 - up seven points.The market breadth is positive with 978 advances and 519 declines on the BSE so far.Reliance has moved up 2.10% (Rs 10) to Rs 505. HLL is up a rupee at Rs 144, and ITC is up a tad at Rs 1,304.SBI is up a per cent (Rs 4) at Rs 598.While Tata Motors has added 1.755 (Rs 9) to Rs 510, Bajaj is up a per cent (Rs 12) at Rs 1,131.Bharti is trading with a per cent gain (Rs 2) at Rs 206. Hindalco has advanced nearly 2% (Rs 26) to Rs 1,325.Select bank scrips have firmed up in mid-morning trades. UCO Bank has soared 10.98% (Rs 3) to Rs 27. UTI Bank has shot up 5.80% (Rs 10) to Rs 183. BoI and Syndicate Bank are up 4% each at Rs 85 and Rs 52, respectively. While Kotak Bank has gained 3.81% to Rs 271, Indus Ind Bank is up 3.28% at Rs 57.Reliance, with over 14.69 lakh shares traded on the BSE so far, is leading the volume chart, followed by Satyam (3.59 lakh), Tata Motors (2.96 lakh) and Maruti (2.90 lakh), respectively.The value chart, too, is led by Reliance with a turnover of Rs 74 crore so far on the BSE, followed by SBI (Rs 17 crore), Tata Motors (Rs 15 crore) and Satyam (Rs 14 crore), respectively.