The Sensex, which touched a high of 8,238 in noon deals, is now up 92 points at 9,226.Tata Motors has zoomed 4.8% (Rs 28) to Rs 619. Maruti and Hero Honda are still trading with gains.ACC has advanced 4% (Rs 22) to Rs 551. HDFC is now up 3.5% (Rs 39) at Rs 1,169.ITC is still up Rs 3 at Rs 142. HLL is steady at Rs 189 - up Rs 2.SBI is still up Rs 11 at Rs 920. ONGC has moved up Rs 11 to Rs 1,176, and Reliance has added Rs 8 to Rs 871. Satyam has zoomed 2% (Rs 13) to Rs 684. While TCS is now up Rs 13 at Rs 1,662, Wipro is up Rs 4 at Rs 441.Advances and declines are evenly matched - out of 2,489 scrips traded till now, 1,204 have moved up, 1209 have declined an 76 are unchanged.