The Sensex is now up 258 points at 12,673. Wipro has zoomed 7.5% to Rs 577. Infosys has flared up nearly 5% to Rs 2,104, and Satyam has surged 4.4% to Rs 432. TCS, ACC and Larsen & Toubro have rallied around 3% each to Rs 1,197, Rs 837 and Rs 1,424, respectively.Reliance, Maruti and ICICI Bank have advanced around 2.5% each to Rs 1,290, Rs 798 and Rs 840, respectively.Hindalco has shed 3.5% to Rs 129. Hero Honda has slipped 1.5% to Rs 675.Out of 2,504 stocks traded so far, 1,549 have declined, 900 have advanced and 55 are unchanged.