The Sensex continued hold firm its gains and is now up 100 points at 11,283.Ranbaxy continues to lead the upmove with gains of 5% at Rs 431.Wipro has surged 2.7% to Rs 557. Bharti Tele has added 2.5% to Rs 404.ONGC is up nearly 2% at Rs 1,315. Tata Steel and Hindalco have spurted 1.7% each to Rs 531 and Rs 182, respectively.ITC, Tata Power and Hero Honda have rallied 1.5% each to Rs 196, Rs 587 and Rs 893, respectively.The market breadth is extremely positive. Out of 2,204 stocks traded so far, 1,617 have advanced, 518 have declined and 69 are unmoved. Rayban has zoomed 11% to Rs 116. SPL, Star Paper, Natco Pharma, Bombay Dyeing, TVS Motor, Hindustan Zinc, Zee Tele, Essel Propack and SAIL are the other major gainers.State Bank of Mysore has plunged nearly 9% to Rs 6,356. Rico Auto, Todays Writing, State Bank of Travancore, GMDC and Canara Bank are in declining mode.