The Sensex is now up 102 points at 12,462.Reliance (RIL) has gained 3% to Rs 1,132, and ONGC is up nearly 2% at Rs 1,390.Dr.Reddy's has surged over 3% to Rs 1,735. BHEL has moved up 2.8% to Rs 2,463, and Tata Power has added 1.5% to Rs 571.The market breadth is extremely positive. Out of 2,174 stocks traded so far, 1,599 have advanced, 535 have declined and 40 are unchanged.Balmer Lawrie has zoomed over 14% to Rs 143. SIEL, Adani Exports, Godavari Fertilisers, Suashis Diamond, Assam Company, IndusInd Bank and Hinduja TMT are the other major gainers.J L Morison has slumped 10% to Rs 364. GMR Industries, Standard Industries, Shyam Telecom, Aegis Logistics, GVK Power, Container Corporation, Vijaya Bank, Syndicate Bank and Finolex Industries are the other prominent losers.