The Sensex continues to hold fort at higher levels. The index touched high of 10,194, and is now up 106 points at 10,185.Ranbaxy has surged 4.5% to Rs 458. Bajaj Auto has zoomed 4% to Rs 2,512.Larsen & Toubro has gained 3.8% at Rs 2,330, and Dr.Reddy's is up 3.3% at Rs 1,375.Tata Steel has spurted 2.8% to Rs 407. BHEL has moved up 2.2% to Rs 1,866.ONGC, Hero Honda, Satyam, Hindalco, HDFC, Maruti, Bharti, Tata Motors, TCS and Wipro are the other smart gainers.The market breadth is slightly positive. Out of 2,525 stocks traded so far, 1,378 have moved up 1,066 have declined and the rest are unchanged.Gujarat Alkalies tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 65.82 crore followed by Larsen & Toubro (Rs 56.01 crore), Tata Steel (Rs 54.14 crore), Adlabs (Rs 50.54 crore) and Satyam (Rs 46.99 crore).Reliance Capital Ventures continues to lead the volume chart with trades of around 1.46 crore shares followed by Gujarat Alkalies (41.02 lakh), GSPC (38.26 lakh), HFCL (33.18 lakh) and IDFC (30.27 lakh).