The Sensex is now up 108 points at 19,807.Cipla and Bajaj Auto have zoomed 4.3% each to Rs 189 and Rs 2,450, respectively. ACC has soared over 4% to Rs 1,082.ONGC has surged 2.8% to Rs 1,281. Hindustan Unilever and Mahindra & Mahindra have rallied 2.4% each to Rs 206 and Rs 750, respectively.TCS, Tata Steel and Tata Motors have advanced over 2% each to Rs 1,003, Rs 861 and Rs 712, respectively.DLF has gained 1.8% at Rs 954. Ranbaxy and Hindalco have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 418 and Rs 207, respectively.Reliance Communications, Grasim, NTPC and Wipro have gained 1.5% each at Rs 719, Rs 3,888, Rs 268 and Rs 465, respectively.ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank have slipped 1.6% each to Rs 1,200 and Rs 1,659, respectively. ITC has shed 1% at Rs 203.Out of 2,798 stocks traded so far, 2,255 have advanced, 511 have declined and 32 are unchanged.