The Sensex is now up 108 points at 20,315.Bharti Airtel has zoomed over 5% to Rs 989. Hindalco has soared 2.8% to Rs 219.ITC and Mahindra & Mahindra have surged 2.3% each to Rs 210 and Rs 853, respectively.Reliance Communications has rallied nearly 2% to Rs 746, and DLF has gained 1.6% at Rs 1,081.TCS and Larsen & Toubro are up over 1% each at Rs 1,092 and Rs 4,199, respectively.Ambuja Cements and Wipro have shed 1.4% each at Rs 147 and Rs 522, respectively.ICICI Bank has slipped over 1% to Rs 1,212.The market breadth is extremely positive - out of 2,863 stocks traded so far, 2,551 have advanced, 300 have declined and 12 are unchanged.