The Sensex is now up 109 points at 14,613.HDFC has surged nearly 3% to Rs 2,015. ACC has soared 2.7% to Rs 923.Bajaj Auto, SBI and HDFC Bank have rallied nearly 2% each to Rs 2,133, Rs 1,497 and Rs 1,111, respectively.Reliance Energy has gained 1.5% at Rs 589. ICICI Bank and NTPC have moved up 1.3% each to Rs 955 and Rs 153, respectively.Cipla and Larsen & Toubro are up over 1% each at Rs 205 and Rs 2,177, respectively.Hindalco has plunged 2.5% to Rs 165. Hero Honda and Gujarat Ambuja have slipped over 1% each to Rs 672 and Rs 124, respectively.The market breadth is fairly positive - out of 2,373 stocks traded so far, 1,434 have advanced, 871 have declined and 68 are unchanged.