The Sensex is up 10 points at 9895.Tata Motors has rallied over 3% to Rs 749. Cipla and Hindalco have gained 2.5% each to Rs 216 and Rs 160, respectively.Grasim, Maruti and Infosys are up over 2% each at Rs 1,796, Rs 743 and Rs 2,861, respectively.Larsen & Toubro has dropped nearly 4% to Rs 2,034. SBI has shed 2.5% to Rs 748, and Wipro has slipped over 2% to Rs 431.Bharti Airtel and ICICI Bank are down around 1.5% each.Out of 2,260 stocks traded so far, 1,328 have advanced, 871 have declined and 61 are unchanged.