The Sensex is now up 110 points at 12,219. HDFC has surged 3% to Rs 1,410. BHEL has moved up 2.6% to Rs 2,311.Reliance Energy and Bajaj Auto have advanced over 2% each to Rs 471 and Rs 2,853, respectively.HLL, ICICI Bank and TCS have gained around 1.7% each at Rs 255, Rs 663 and Rs 1,045, respectively.ONGC, ITC and Cipla have moved up 1.5% each to Rs 1,191, Rs 190 and Rs 260, respectively.Hindalco, Dr.Reddy's, Tata Steel, ACC and Satyam are up over 1% each.Reliance Communication is down 1% at Rs 342.Out of 2,555 stocks traded so far, 1,414 have advanced, 1,056 have declined and the rest are unchanged.