The Sensex is now up 111 points at 10,676.Bharti Tele has surged nearly 4% to Rs 392. Tata Power has rallied 2.8% to Rs 537.Maruti has spurted 2.7% to Rs 909. Larsen & Toubro (Rs 2,511), SBI (Rs 903), ONGC (Rs 1,147) and Tata Steel (Rs 452) have gained over 2% each.ITC, Tata Motors, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Hero Honda are the other notable gainers.Dr.Reddy's is down 1.3% at Rs 1,306.The market breadth is slightly negative. Out of 2,527 stocks traded so far, 1,316 have declined, 1,126 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.