The Sensex is now up 113 points at 15,106.Reliance Communications has soared 2.8% to Rs 535. Ranbaxy and Mahindra & Mahindra have surged 2.3% each to Rs 381 and Rs 671, respectively.HDFC Bank and Tata Motors have rallied 2% each to Rs 1,179 and Rs 688, respectively. Bajaj Auto has gained 1.7% at Rs 2,359.ICICI Bank has advanced 1.5% to Rs 870. Reliance has moved up 1.3% to Rs 1,914.Dr.Reddy's and Hindalco are up 1% each at Rs 637 and Rs 158, respectively.Reliance Energy has slipped 1.5% to Rs 770.Out of 2,652 stocks traded so far, 1,647 have advanced, 937 have declined and 68 are unchanged.Sensex up 113pts; REL slips 2%