The Sensex is now up 114 points at 14,409.Gujarat Ambuja has surged 2.7% to Rs 116. ACC and BHEL have rallied 2.5% each to Rs 865 and Rs 1,440, respectively.Tata Motors and Grasim have advanced over 2% each to Rs 678 and Rs 2,488, respectively. Reliance Energy and Satyam have added 1.8% each to Rs 546 and Rs 477, respectively.Maruti has moved up 1.7% to Rs 764. Bharti Airtel and SBI have gained 1.5% each at Rs 825 and Rs 1,392, respectively.Out of 2,361 stocks traded so far, 1,502 have advanced, 773 have declined and 86 are unchanged.