The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 33 points at 12,393. The index soon zoomed past the 12,500-mark, to touch a new all-time intra-day high of 12,511.The index is now up 114 points at 12,474.Reliance (RIL) has rallied over 3% to Rs 1,134. ONGC has surged nearly 2% to Rs 1,391.Tata Power has spurted 2.2% to Rs 575, and BHEL has gained 2% at RS 2,442.Tata Steel has advanced 2% to Rs 653. Hindalco has added 1% to Rs 232.ACC and Grasim are up over 1% each.Larsen & Toubro has slipped over 1% to Rs 2,700. HDFC Bank is down nearly 1% at Rs 872.The market breadth is extremely positive. Out of 1,892 stocks traded so far, 1,467 have moved up, 398 have declined and 27 are unchanged.