The Sensex is now up 116 points at 12,476.Reliance has soared 5.4% to Rs 1,159. ONGC is steady with a gain of 1.3% at Rs 1,384.HDFC has advanced 2.3% to Rs 1,316. BHEL and Tata Steel have added 1.5% each to Rs 2,433 and Rs 650, respectively.Hero Honda has moved up 1.8% to Rs 874. Reliance Energy, TCS, Gujarat Ambuja and Grasim are up 1% each.HDFC Bank has declined 1.2% to Rs 868. HLL is down 1% at Rs 282.Out of 2,584 stocks traded so far, 1,719 have advanced, 816 have declined and 49 are unchanged.