The Sensex has rallied to new high and is now up 117 points at 13,813.SBI has soared nearly 3% to Rs 1,351. Dr.Reddy's has surged 2.7% to Rs 771.Bajaj Auto and Reliance Energy have advanced 2% each to Rs 2,697 and Rs 538, respectively.Reliance has gained 1.5% at Rs 1,264. Reliance Communications and ICICI Bank have moved up 1.3% each to Rs 435 and Rs 882, respectively.HDFC Bank, NTPC, Tata Motors, Ranbaxy, Infosys, HLL, ITC and Bharti are up over 1% each.HDFC and ONGC are down nearly 1% each to Rs 1,633 and Rs 855, respectively.The market breadth is very positive - out of 2,106 stocks traded so far, 1,430 have advanced, 625 have declined and the rest are unchanged.