The Sensex is now up 118 points at 13,004.Bharti Airtel has advanced over 3% to Rs 774, and TCS has soared nearly 3% to Rs 1,247.BHEL and HDFC have surged over 2.5% each to Rs 2,151 and Rs 1,605, respectively.Wipro and Larsen & Toubro have gained 2.3% each at Rs 578 and Rs 1,515, respectively. ONGC has added 1.8% to Rs 795.Hindalco, ACC and Bajaj Auto are up around 1.5% each at Rs 130, Rs 792 and Rs 2,524, respectively.ITC and Reliance Communications have shed 1.6% each to Rs 152 and Rs 416, respectively. Gujarat Ambuja is down 1% at Rs 109.Out of 2,185 stocks traded so far, 1,428 have advanced, 690 have declined and 67 are unchanged.