The Sensex is now up 121 points at 14,460.HDFC Bank has soared over 5% to Rs 1,126. Larsen & Toubro has moved up 2.5% to Rs 1,780.Maruti, HDFC, Cipla and Reliance Communications have rallied around 2% each to Rs 828, Rs 1,859, Rs 209 and Rs 514, respectively.Bajaj Auto and ACC have gained 1.7% each to Rs 2,209 and Rs 873, respectively.SBI has advanced 1.5% to Rs 1,317, and Tata Motors has added 1.3% to Rs 736.HLL has slipped 1% to Rs 201. Hindalco and ITC are the other prominent losers.Out of 2,618 stocks traded so far, 1,563 have advanced, 959 have declined and 96 are unchanged.