The Sensex is now up 122 points at 13,007.Wipro has surged 3.5% to Rs 584. ONGC, TCS and HDFC have rallied around 3% each to Rs 806, Rs 1,249 and Rs 1,611, respectively.Bharti Airtel has advanced over 2.5% to Rs 770. Larsen & Toubro, HLL, BHEL and Satyam have gained over 2% each at Rs 1,515, Rs 188, Rs 2,139 and Rs 447, respectively.Hindalco, Tata Motors, Maruti and Tata Steel are the other prominent gainers. ITC has shed 4% to Rs 148. Gujarat Ambuja has dropped 3% to Rs 107.ACC has declined 1.4% to Rs 770, and Reliance Energy has slipped 1% to Rs 476.Out of 2,426 stocks traded so far, 1,609 have advanced, 754 have declined and 63 are unchanged.