The Sensex has crossed the 10,700-mark and is now up 127 points at 10,700.ACC and Gujarat Ambuja have surged 3% each to Rs 772 and Rs 101, respectively. Grasim has added 2% to Rs 1,924.HDFC has moved up 2.8% to Rs 1,316.Tata Motors and Bharti Tele have zoomed 2% each to Rs 892 and Rs 390, respectively.Cipla and Hindalco are up 1.7% each at Rs 585 and Rs 161, respectively. Tata Steel and BHEL have gained 1.6% each at Rs 459 and Rs 2,126, respectively.ITC, Tata Power and Maruti are up 1.5% each at Rs 176, Rs 572 and Rs 879, respectively.Reliance Energy, Satyam, Ranbaxy, Larsen & Toubro, Hero Honda, NTPC and HLL are also holding smart gains.There is not a single loser among the Sensex stocks.The market breadth is extremely positive. Out of total of 1,814 stocks traded so far, 1,286 have advanced, 476 have declined and the rest are unchanged.