The Sensex is now up 12 points at 12,896.Larsen & Toubro and Hero Honda have rallied around 3% each to Rs 1,616 and Rs 675, respectively. HLL has surged 2.6% to Rs 203.TCS has advanced 2.3% to Rs 1,229, and Maruti has added 1.7% to Rs 812.Satyam has moved up 1.4% to Rs 462. Ranbaxy, Gujarat Ambuja and Dr.Reddy's are up 1% each at Rs 342, Rs 103 and Rs 701, respectively.HDFC Bank and Tata Motors have plunged over 2.5% each to Rs 930 and Rs 702, respectively.SBI, ICICI Bank, Bajaj Auto, Bharti Airtel and BHEL are down 1% each at Rs 961, Rs 846, Rs 2,435, Rs 750 and Rs 2,259, respectively. Out of 2,459 stocks traded so far, 1,408 have advanced, 983 have declined and 68 are unchanged.