The Sensex is now up 131 points at 14,635.HDFC and ACC have soared around 3% each to Rs 2,016 and Rs 925, respectively.SBI has rallied 2.5% to Rs 1,508. Ranbaxy, Bajaj Auto and HDFC Bank have surged over 2% each to Rs 356, Rs 2,139 and Rs 1,115, respectively.Reliance Communications and Reliance Energy have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 519 and Rs 590, respectively.BHEL and ICICI Bank have gained 1.4% each at Rs 1,510 and Rs 956, respectively.Hindalco has plunged 2.5% to Rs 165. Maruti has slipped 1% to Rs 742.Out of 2,526 stocks traded so far, 1,507 have advanced, 934 have declined and 85 are unchanged.