The Sensex is now up 133 points at 12,830.Reliance Communications has surged 3% to Rs 413. Dr.Reddy's, Larsen & Toubro and Tata Motors have rallied around 2.5% each to Rs 637, Rs 1,462 and Rs 743, respectively.Cipla has gained 2% at Rs 226. HDFC Bank and Satyam have advanced 1.7% each to Rs 952 and Rs 441, respectively.ICICI Bank and Reliance have moved up 1.5% each to Rs 864 and Rs 1,318, respectively.Gujarat Ambuja has slumped 4.4% to Rs 109, and ACC has crashed 3.5% to Rs 825.The market breadth is positive - out of 1,781 stocks traded so far, 1,105 have moved up, 638 have slipped and 38 are unchanged.