The Sensex is now up 137 points at 11,915.Maruti has rallied 2.7% to Rs 899. Tata Motors and Larsen & Toubro have surged 2% each to Rs 881 and Rs 2,475, respectively.Infosys, HLL and Reliance Energy have moved up nearly 2% each to Rs 1,845, Rs 243 and Rs 453, respectively. Satyam added 1.5% to Rs 812.ONGC, ICICI Bank, Grasim, TCS, Wipro, Hindalco, Bajaj Auto, NTPC, Bharti Airtel, Ranbaxy, Reliance and Tata Steel are the other prominent gainers.Out of 2,529 stocks traded so far, 1,621 have advanced, 836 have declined and the rest are unchanged.