The Sensex is now up 146 points at 11,924.Maruti has rallied 2.6% to Rs 898, and Tata Motors has gained 2.3% at Rs 883.Infosys has advanced over 2% to Rs 1,849. TCS and Satyam have moved up 1.5% each to Rs 1,014 and Rs 811, respectively. Wipro is up 1.2% at Rs 523.Larsen & Toubro and HLL have gained nearly 2% each at Rs 2,472 and Rs 243, respectively. ICICI Bank and Reliance Energy have advanced 1.6% each to Rs 619 and Rs 452, respectively.Grasim, Hindalco, Reliance, Bajaj Auto, Bharti Airtel, ONGC and NTPC are the other prominent gainers.Hero Honda has slipped over 1% to Rs 719.Out of 2,552 stocks traded so far, 1,637 have advanced, 838 have declined and the rest are unchanged.