The Sensex is now up 147 points at 19,239.Satyam has zoomed 5% to Rs 424. Infosys has soared 4.5% to Rs 1,712. TCS and Wipro have surged around 2% each to Rs 1,043 and Rs 492, respectively.Reliance Energy has rallied nearly 5% to Rs 1,975. Mahindra & Mahindra has advanced nearly 3% to Rs 800, and Tata Motors has added 2.3% to Rs 707.DLF has moved up nearly 2% to Rs 969. Hindalco and Tata Steel have added 1.5% each to Rs 201 and Rs 836, respectively.ONGC and SBI are up over 1% each at Rs 1,195 and Rs 2,283, respectively.BHEL and Cipla are down over 1% each at Rs 2,374 and Rs 213, respectively. Out of 2,916 stocks traded so far, 1,502 have declined, 1,380 have advanced and 34 are unchanged.