The Sensex is now up 151 points at 14,215.ITC has soared over 3% to Rs 156. Hindalco, HDFC, HDFC Bank and Satyam have surged around 2.5% each to Rs 162, Rs 1,794, Rs 1,119 and Rs 507, respectively.Hero Honda and Infosys have rallied 2% each to Rs 694 and Rs 1,987, respectively.Reliance has moved up 1.5% to Rs 1,685. Cipla and Ranbaxy are up 1% each at Rs 214 and Rs 373, respectively.Grasim has shed 1.7% to Rs 2,351.Out of 2,321 stocks traded so far, 1,495 have advanced, 758 have declined and 68 are unchanged.