The Sensex is moving in a narrow range, and is now up 161 points at 15,096.SBI has gained nearly 5% at Rs 1,620. ACC is now up 3% at Rs 999.Reliance Energy and RCom are trading with gains of 3% each at Rs 762 and Rs 546, respectively.Grasim has moved up 3% to Rs 2,938, and Tata Steel is up 3% at Rs 641.Reliance is still up 2% at Rs 1,835. ICICI Bank is steady at Rs 903 - up 1%.BHEL, Bharti, Maruti, Tata Steel and Ranbaxy are also trading with gains.Tata Motors has slipped over 2% to Rs 652.Wipro, HDFC Bank, M&M, TCS and Infosys were trading on a weak note.