The Sensex has moved back to higher levels and is now up 181 points at 15,524.The NSE Nifty is up 50 points at 4,697.Wipro has surged 3.7% to Rs 431. Satyam and TCS have soared over 3% each to Rs 439 and Rs 898, respectively.ICICI Bank and Ranbaxy have rallied over 2.5% each to Rs 784 and Rs 470, respectively.Infosys and ITC have gained 2.3% each at Rs 1,518 and Rs 205, respectively.ONGC, HDFC and Reliance have advanced around 2% each to Rs 1,027, Rs 2,322 and Rs 2,367, respectively.Maruti has slipped over 3% to Rs 739. Ambuja Cements and Larsen & Toubro have shed around 2% each at Rs 117 and Rs 2,634, respectively.