The Sensex touched a high of 11,739, and is now up 186 points at 11,726.TCS has gained over 6% at Rs 2,021. Infosys has added 1.6% to Rs 3,283.Cipla has rallied 4.5% to Rs 690. ONGC has surged nearly 4% to Rs 1,291.Dr.Reddy's has advanced 2.7% to Rs 1,508. Bajaj Auto, HLL, HDFC Bank, Maruti and Hero Honda are the other smart gainers.Tata Power has dropped nearly 1% to Rs 586.The market breadth is positive. Out of 2,220 stocks traded so far, 1,559 have advanced, 608 have declined and 53 are unchanged.RS Software has zoomed over 12% to Rs 84. Alps Industries, Essar Shipping, Henkel India, Rane Holdings, Coral Labs, Bombay Dyeing, IndusInd Bank, Conatiner Corporation, Finolex Industries, Dabur, Titan and VSNL are the other major gainers.KSB Pumps has plunged 4% to Rs 485. Bhartiya International, Dynemic Products, UTV Software, Phoenix Labs, Gallant Metals, Reliance Natural Resources, HPCL, BPCL, Kochi Refineries, IBP and IOC are under selling pressure.