The Sensex is now up 193 points at 19,556.Reliance Energy has zoomed over 8% to Rs 1,880. Wipro has soared 6.5% to Rs 490.TCS and Hindalco have surged 3.5% each to Rs 1,049 and Rs 192, respectively.Mahindra & Mahindra has rallied 2.8% to Rs 753. Bajaj Auto and Maruti have gained 2.5% each at Rs 2,778 and Rs 1,037, respectively.Ranbaxy, BHEL and Reliance have moved up over 2% each to Rs 396, Rs 2,736 and Rs 2,907, respectively.Satyam, Reliance Communications, Tata Steel, ACC, SBI, Cipla and Larsen & Toubro are the other major gainers.Bharti Airtel has dropped 2% to Rs 920, and HDFC Bank has shed 1.8% at Rs 1,688.ICICI Bank and HDFC are down 1% each at Rs 1,172 and Rs 2,758, respectively.Out of 2,790 stocks traded so far, 2,135 have advanced, 600 have declined and 55 are unchanged.